LiteSpot Blogger Premium Template Free & Theme Install and Customize; Website SEO


Blogger Premium Theme for Free

If you want to earn money by adding Adsense to Blogger, you need to add a premium template to your Blogger. Litespot Blogger Template It is clean and fast loading magazine Has high quality design and ultimate performance. 

Click below to see the theme live.👇

Click below to download.👇

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LiteSpot Template Features

  • Adsense Ready
  • Custom Ads
  • SEO Friendly
  • Responsive
  • Footer Credit Edit
  • Drop Down Menus 
  • Left & Right Side Bar
  • Related Posts
  • Fast Loading
  • Custom 404 Pages
  • Recent Post By Labels
  • Professional Admin Layout
  • Social Ready
  • ShortCode
  • Frustrated Post
  • Contact Form
  • Posts Share Button
  • Sticky SideBar
  • Load More
  • Mega Menu
  • Post Thumbnail

Adsense & Other Ads Network

This template is eligible for Adsense. This is an Adsense ready template. You can Enabled other ADS network ADS in this template. You can also work with other ADS networks if you want. You can display ads to viewers by placing ad codes from other ad networks. 

SEO Friendly

SEO Friendly ( Search Engine Optimization) The main purpose of creating a website or content is to rank in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing. This theme's search engine optimization will easily rank your website in search engines. This theme will not rank if you install it on your Blogger site; To get your site ranked in the Google search engine, you need to submit your site URL to "Google Search Console". 

There are a few things to keep in mind to create an SEO friendly website.

  • Use keywords on your website: Use keywords depending on the content of your website.
  • You need to simplify the structure of your website: You need to simplify the navigation of your website so that users can find it easily.
  • You need to speed up your website: The higher the coding speed of your website, the more attractive it will be for the user, This will get more visits to your website.
  • Make your website mobile friendly: Nowadays, people use the internet through mobile phones.
  • Create a link to your website: Create links to your website from other websites, Share your website link on other websites including your site social media. 

Making your website SEO friendly can help you drive more traffic. And your website will be more popular with people.

LiteSpot Blogger Theme Customize

After installing a Blogger theme, it needs to be customized, Because this theme has the logo, name, social media links, etc. of the company that owns it. That requires customizing the theme. Now I will show you; How to customize this Blogger theme. After visiting this, you will see Layout from the Menu, click there. There are many editing options there.
I will now show you how to change the logo;👇

Upload image from computer by clicking here and SAVE the logo once it is uploaded. Then the logo will be updated.

Now I will show you how to change the about. 
Here you will see the edit section, click here to give information about your site.

Link change rules
If you click on the edit section here, you will see that there are links to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, X/Twitter and other links. Put your link there.

Edit the layout section as I mentioned and showed above. Edit all sections and write about your site. 

How to install a theme on Blogger Visit then click on the menu, Then click on Theme. Follow image👇
Install the theme by looking at the image above. 

Another easy way to customize Blogger theme is HTML update, If you don't understand HTML, don't ever update it. 

To make a website attractive, you need to install a theme. Customize that theme and provide your website information. 

Blogger Website Pages

You need to create a page on your blogger site, In particular, you need to create 4 pages: 
If you don't create these 4 pages, you won't get approved for Adsense. 

What to do to get Adsense approval on Blogger site 

You need to make your site attractive. Users are attracted by what they see. 
  1. Install premium theme
  2. Design the website attractively
  3. Add top-level domain: .com .net .org
  4. Create pages
  5. The website must be 3 months old.
  6. Write 25-30 unique blog posts of 600-1000 words each. 
  7. Index your website on Google. And index the posts, Submit your website to "Google Search Console" for indexing. 
  8. Your website must have 5000-10000 valid traffic. Adsense will not approve you if there is any illegal traffic. 
Apply for Adsense by completing these 8 tasks on your website. Then there will be a possibility of getting Adsense approval. Many people have received Adsense approval even after posting 6 posts. Many people did not get Adsense approval despite posting 50+ posts. 

Make 25-30 interesting posts on your website. Then apply for Adsense after getting 5000-10000 traffic. If you do this, you will get Adsense approval very easily.

Blogger Successful

If you want to achieve success in Blogger. You have to work very hard here. And you have to make blog posts public regularly. You have to create blog posts depending on the needs of the audience. What kind of blogs do the audience like to read, you have to find it from Google search. And you have to do keyword research, Google has many websites; you can research from there.

What topic should I work on?

You have more experience with the subject. Create a blog post on that topic. Work on topics that people search for on Google. And make your blog posts something people would love to see. Create a blog that will benefit people by reading your blog posts.

So, without further delay, create a blog site today. And publish interesting blogs there. There are many people who like to write and make money by publishing blogs. Now it is very easy to earn money from the internet. Stay tuned to our TrickBlog.Com website for more tips and tricks on how to make money from the internet.

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